Apply hosts occasional meetings, lately especially virtual meetings. Upcoming meetings will be announced on the Apply site homepage, on LinkedIn and through the ASA mailing lists.
Next meeting - 2021
The APPLY Network, the applied anthropology network of the ASA, is holding its annual meeting at 5:30pm (BST) on Thursday 17th June. All are welcome. This is an opportunity for us to discuss the following key themes:
- Review of the lab session held at the ASA 2021 University of St Andrews Conference on Responsibility
- Producing a database of applied anthropologists available for work – We would like your ideas about this. What should it include? How should it work?
- Considering our aims for the oncoming year – A series of talks is proposed. Who would you like to hear from or what would you like to learn about?
- Mentoring – Would you like to be a mentor or to benefit from mentoring? We would like to develop our proposed mentoring network.
- Opportunities to get involved – We are looking for people keen to take aspects of the network forward.
Please come along to this link at the dedicated time: with Password: APPLY

Past events
Lab session: Ethnography as Evidence (ASA2021 Conference)
We invited anthropologists to share their experience about translating ethnography, data and methods into ‘evidence’ when applying anthropology under the pressure of work contracts, terms of reference, deadlines, practices, inter-subjective encounters: what are the implications met by researchers? The Apply Lab session at the #ASA2021 conference had great guests who shared with us their work experiences and approaches as applied #anthropologists.

It was a very interesting and lively discussion on how ethnography can be used and presented as 'evidence' to different audiences/clients who are unfamiliar with ethnography and #anthropology. A short report will be published from the lab session by autumn 2021.

Thanks a lot our special guests:
- Cath Richardson Director at Stripe Partners
- Dr. Suriyah Bi Lecturer and Parliamentary Researcher at SOAS University of London
- Mary Adams Senior Researcher at King's College London
And to our #ASAAPPLY convenors who organised the session: Mark Lindley-Highfield and Stefania Cardinale, PhD.
Postgraduate workshops
In 2009, members of Apply convened workshops for UK anthropology postgraduate students interested in careers in applied anthropology. Workshops were at UCL, Durham and Aberdeen. Although we do not have funding to run more workshops ourselves, we are very happy to assist others in doing so. To that end you will find the workshop packs available for download here. If you are interested in using the materials, please contact the original convenors: R.Gooberman-Hill(at); kathryn(at); fiona.harris1(at)
Facilitator's pack (PDF)
Student Pack (PDF)
Applications of Anthropology seminar series
Applications of Anthropology was a series of three ESRC-funded workshops, convened in collaboration with the ASA and CSAP. The first was a conference exploring the different ways anthropologists make use of their skills in industry, development, the NHS and in the media. The second explored the training needs of anthropologists working outside the academy, and the third explored examples of existing and possible future training programmes.
Cosmopolitanism in Practice: Issues and Dilemmas when Applying Anthropology - 'Apply'
Apply convened a panel at the 2006 ASA conference in Keele. Click here for the panel details.