Online, 29 March - 2 April 2021
ASA2021. Online, 29 March - 2 April 2021

The Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK’s 2021 conference was an online event hosted by the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of St Andrews. View the programme using the menu above. Recordings of the plenaries are publicly visible on the Programme page. Logged-in delegates can view the panel recordings.
Delegates can download a certificate of attendance by clicking Log in top right, and once logged in, clicking on Logged in, selecting Conferences in the drop-down, and looking for the 'C' icon against the registration line for ASA2021.
Welcome from the Chair of the ASA
Welcome to the ASA conference for 2021, ‘Responsibility’, hosted by the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of St Andrews. For the second time in our history, we are holding the conference entirely online, but whereas the ASA2020 conference was a one-day, single-panel event, ASA2021 is a full international multi-panel conference... Read the full welcome.
Keynotes and plenary speakers
Firth lecture: Aparecida Vilaça
Ladislav Holy memorial lecture: Peter Geschiere
Plenary speakers:
Lisa Boden;
Liana Chua
Janet Cox Singh;
Frédéric Keck
Ann H. Kelly;
David Napier
Genese Marie Sodikoff
Anthropology has a long history in St Andrews, dating from the beginning of Andrew Lang's scholarly career in the 1860s and culminating in the founding of an independent department in 1979. Since then, the Department has championed innovative ethnographic and historical scholarship. In 1992, Social Anthropology was incorporated as a Department within the School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies. The Department is also home to the Centre for Cosmopolitan Studies, the Centre for Amerindian, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the Centre for Pacific Studies, and the Centre for Minorities Research.
Panels were arranged within the following sub-themes: Extinction; Who speaks, and for whom?; Evidence; Health, disease and wellbeing; Morality and legality; Irresponsibility and failure. Read more detail of these sub-themes.
Lead Conveners: Dr Melissa Demian, Dr Christos Lynteris & Dr Mattia Fumanti
Local Committee: Professor Mark Harris, Dr Huon Wardle, Dr Melissa Demian, Dr Mattia Fumanti, Dr Christos
Lynteris, Professor Nigel Rapport & Dr Stavroula Pipyrou
Conference Administrators: NomadIT
For any questions about the conference please contact conference(at)
Keynote speakers
Firth lecture Aparecida Vilaça
Lisa Boden
Liana Chua
Janet Cox Singh
Frédéric Keck
Ann H. Kelly
David Napier
Genese Marie
Dace Dzenovska