UK Network for the Anthropology of Christianity (UKNAC)
Aims and Objectives
The UK Network for the Anthropology of Christianity (UKNAC) exists to strengthen connections among anthropologists exploring a broad range of Christian social and religious life. The primary objectives of the network are:
- To formalize and strengthen relationships within and among anthropologists of Christianity in the UK
- To provide support for postgraduate students interested in the anthropology of Christianity through online support and a biennial student workshop
- To create space for anthropologists at all career levels who wish to engage the anthropology of Christianity, either as a specialised focus or as part of a broader research programme
- To promote ethnographic and theoretical innovation in the anthropology of Christianity by fostering intellectual community for scholars in the subfield, and by sponsoring new publications

Join the network and our mailing list.
If you would like more information on the UKNAC please contact the co-convenors:
Dr Naomi Haynes (Naomi.Haynes(at)
Dr Alanna Cant (a.m.cant(at)